Quiz - what is this logo?

by Brands Quiz Companies | Logo Quiz


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★ The Logo Quiz Game! ★Identify the logos of 2,500 global brands to discover.
This is another part of the game with a series of tourism companies in the world, take the challenge.
Features Logo Quiz:✔ 50 levels! 2,500 companies ✔ Packages bonus: logos are grouped into categories ✔ Expert mode for the ambitious ✔ Helpful tips! Each puzzle has a hint! ✔ Select 1 of 6 options ✔ High quality HD graphics ✔ Timely updates: new packages for online downloading
How to Play?
Simple and clear rules.
➊ Download the game for free and start playing now!
➋ Click on "new game" and there will be a quiz and 6 encrypted responses from which you have to choose one correct answer.
➌ Every second you get another hint.
➍ After you select all the answers the logo is discovered and you know right away if you gave the correct answers.
➎ To get to the next levels of the game, you have to recognise at least half the correct answers at this stage. You have 60 seconds to answer.
➏ With every step the difficulty level increases.
➐ The Logo Quiz Game is an adventure that resembles a discovery puzzle - guess the brands in the Logo Quiz!

"Guess what the logo is" is a very addictive quiz. Look at the icon and guess which the company is!
Playing the Logo Quiz you will definitely be satisfied!
★★★★★ It's great fun and educational.★★★★★ Test yourself and take the challenge